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How Your MBTI Personality and Color Influences Your Interior Design Styles

Imagine stepping into a room that instantly makes you feel at peace as if it was designed just for you. The colors, the layout, the decor—all harmonize perfectly with your inner world. This isn’t a coincidence; it’s the magic of combining the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) with the psychology of color in interior design.

Your home is more than just a place to live; it’s a sanctuary where you can truly be yourself. Each corner, each color, and each piece of furniture tells a story about who you are. But have you ever wondered why certain colors and styles resonate with you more than others?

The MBTI, a popular personality assessment tool, reveals deep insights into your preferences, behaviors, and how you interact with the world. Whether you're looking to revamp your kitchen, choose the best paint colors for your bedroom, or design an inviting living room, understanding the link between your MBTI personality and color preferences will guide you in making choices that feel just right. 

Ready to learn all about it? Then, let’s dive right in!

What is the MBTI Personality?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely recognized personality assessment tool designed to help people understand their individual preferences and how they interact with the world. Developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers, the MBTI is based on Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types.

The MBTI categorizes individuals into 16 distinct personality types based on four pairs of opposing preferences:

Extraversion (E) vs. Introversion (I)

Extraversion: Individuals who prefer extraversion are energized by social interactions and external activities. They are often outgoing, talkative, and enjoy being around people.

Introversion: Those who prefer introversion are energized by spending time alone or in quiet settings. They are also reflective, reserved, and thoughtful.

Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N)

Sensing: Sensing individuals focus on the present and concrete information gained from their five senses. They are detail-oriented and practical.

Intuition: Intuitive individuals look at the big picture and focus on patterns and possibilities. They are also imaginative and future-oriented.

Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F)

Thinking: Thinkers base decisions on logic and objective criteria. They value fairness and consistency.

Feeling: Feelers base decisions on personal values and how they will affect others. They also prioritize harmony and empathy.

Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P)

Judging: Judging individuals prefer a structured and organized lifestyle. They like to make plans and follow schedules.

Perceiving: Perceivers prefer a flexible and spontaneous approach to life. Also ,they are adaptable and open to new experiences.

By combining these preferences, the MBTI identifies 16 unique personality types, each represented by a four-letter code, which we’ll be discussing in detail as you read on. 

The 16 MBTI Personality Types, MBTI Colors (& their Decor Styles) 

Here's how your MBTI personality type influences your ideal interior design style and color choices. 

INFJ - Postmodern Style and Deep Blues

These sets of people are creative, intuitive individuals who appreciate decor that reflects their inner depth. INFJ color is often deep blue, symbolizing wisdom and introspection. In interior design, this translates well into postmodern styles, incorporating various textures and patterns. Use deep blue as a paint color in bedrooms to create a serene, reflective space, or in living rooms to foster thoughtful conversation.

As an INFJ, you might find that deep blue hues, whether in paint or decor accents, help you feel more centered and inspired. These rich tones can also be incorporated into bathroom paint colors to create a spa-like retreat where you can unwind and rejuvenate.

INFP - Art Deco Style and Soft Greens

INFPs value beauty, nostalgia, and whimsy, with a color palette that includes soft greens, symbolizing growth and harmony. Art Deco styles, with bold lines and intricate details, are also perfect for this personality. Use soft green as a bedroom color to create a peaceful retreat or in living rooms to inspire creativity and relaxation. 

For an INFP, soft green tones provide a soothing backdrop that enhances their imaginative and reflective nature. Consider using these INFP colors in spaces where you seek tranquility and inspiration, such as a cozy reading nook or a tranquil garden space.

INTJ - Modern Minimalist and Neutrals

INTJs appreciate simplicity and functionality, often gravitating toward neutral colors like gray or white. These colors also promote a sense of focus and clarity, ideal for a modern minimalist style. Use neutral tones as bathroom paint colors for a clean, crisp look, or as kitchen paint colors to create an efficient, uncluttered space.

As an INTJ, you thrive in environments that are orderly and distraction-free. Neutral colors like slate gray or crisp white can be used throughout your home. This helps to maintain a cohesive and sophisticated aesthetic, ensuring each room supports your goal-oriented mindset.

ISFJ - Transitional Style and Warm Beiges

ISFJs prioritize creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere in their homes. This type of character requires a peaceful place where they can get away from the crowd to be alone and put their thoughts together. Their preferred color, warm beige, also enhances the transitional style that integrates various design approaches. 

Use warm beige as living room paint colors to foster a cozy atmosphere or as exterior paint colors to create a welcoming home facade. This color offers a comforting and stable backdrop, ideal for spaces where you entertain guests or relax with family.

ISTJ - Minimalist and Neutral Colors

ISTJs are quiet, dependable, and practical, preferring spaces that are organized and functional. Neutral colors like gray and beige suit their preference for simplicity and quality over quantity. As an ISTJ, you might find that minimalist decor with a focus on high-quality materials and functional design elements helps you maintain order and efficiency in your daily life. 

These people have a no-fuss mentality, and their homes can reflect that with minimalist yet functional home décor and the inclination to value quality over quantity.

ISTP - Rustic and Industrial with Earthy Tones

ISTPs value functionality and practicality in their living spaces. A little bit industrial, a little bit rustic, the style that'll make them feel most at home is unfussy and practical. This specific style is known to emphasize bold choices while focusing on furniture that is known to be versatile yet functional. 

Earthy tones like browns, greens, and grays resonate with their grounded and straightforward nature. For ISTPs, incorporating elements like exposed brick, reclaimed wood, and metal accents can help create a home environment that feels authentic and versatile.

ISFP - Bohemian and Vibrant with Natural Tones

ISFPs are gentle caretakers who live in the present moment and enjoy their surroundings with cheerful, low-key enthusiasm. They are drawn to vibrant and natural tones that reflect their creativity and love for nature. 

As an ISFP, incorporating elements like handmade crafts, natural materials, and eclectic decor pieces can help you create a home that feels uniquely yours and full of life. Use these vibrant colors as bedroom paint colors to create a haven for relaxation and creativity, or in living rooms to foster a lively, artistic environment.

INTP - Mid-century Modern and Cool Tones

INTPs prioritize intellect, logic, and a clean aesthetic. People with this mbti personality are drawn to cool tonesh like blues and grays, which promote mental clarity and calm. These colors work well in mid-century modern decor, with an emphasis on simplicity and functionality. 

As an INTP, you might find that a streamlined, uncluttered space with thoughtful design elements supports your need for intellectual stimulation and quiet reflection. Use cool tones to create a serene space in your bedroom, or to enhance productivity in your home office.

ESTP - Contemporary and Bold with Bright Colors

ESTPs enjoy a contemporary and bold home decor style that reflects their vibrant energy. They are attracted to bold and bright colors, geometric patterns, and statement furniture pieces. They often incorporate high-tech gadgets and create spaces that can easily transition from entertaining areas to energetic workout zones. 

You can use bright colors like bold reds, oranges, and electric blues in your living room to create lively and engaging spaces, or in your kitchen to energize the area where you cook and entertain.

ESFP - Hollywood Glam and Rich, Dramatic Tones

ESFPs are outgoing and love glamor, making Hollywood Glam styles with rich and dramatic colors perfect for them. The ESFP personality is about the over-the-top accents, elegant decor, and furniture that put you in the limelight. 

Use rich tones like deep purples, luxurious golds, and bold pinks as living room paint colors to create stunning focal points or as bedroom paint colors to turn your personal space into a luxurious retreat.

ENFP - Eclectic and Colorful with Bold Hues

ENFPs are imaginative and enjoy exploring new possibilities, favoring eclectic styles with a mix of bold and varied colors. Quick to think outside the box, they are as clever as they are social. This set of people are so passionate about the future, always searching for the ‘next big thing,’ if the ESFP deserves anything, it's a style of innovation and boldness. 

If you're one of these people, incorporating a variety of textures, patterns, and colors can help you create a home that feels like a true reflection of your adventurous spirit and innovative ideas.

ENTP - Industrial Style and Contrasting Colors

ENTPs are innovative and love challenges, leaning towards industrial styles with contrasting and striking colors like black, white, and metallics. As an ENTP, you might find that a mix of raw materials, such as exposed brick and metal accents, helps you create a home that feels edgy and forward-thinking. 

Use these bold choices in your living spaces to stimulate thought and creativity, and create a space that feels both modern and efficient.

ESTJ - Modern and Structured with Crisp Tones

ESTJs value efficiency and structure in their home, preferring modern styles with crisp colors like whites and blues. These people gravitate towards a modern and structured home decor style, featuring symmetrical arrangements, clean lines, and organized storage solutions. 

They often incorporate functional elements like built-in shelving to support their storage & organization needs. Use these crisp tones as kitchen paint colors to create an organized and functional space or as bathroom paint colors for a clean and refreshing aesthetic.

ESFJ - Traditional and Cozy with Warm Colors

The ESFJ personality types want their homes to be pleasing and welcoming, just like they are. They enjoy social interaction and spend a lot of time with their families and friends. 

Their preferred home decor style is traditional and cozy, featuring comfortable seating areas, and warm lighting, with warm and inviting colors like soft yellows, creams, and warm browns. They often incorporate personal touches like family photos or sentimental decor objects to foster a sense of connection and hospitality.

ENFJ - Cottage and Charming with Soft Pastels

ENFJ types are warmhearted personalities who love making others feel comfortable and welcome. They are also drawn to a home decor style that combines coziness with warmth, and this would be a cottage style with soft pastels like light pinks, blues, and greens. These colors not only create a soothing and inviting atmosphere but also reflect the ENFJs nurturing and empathetic nature. 

For instance, light pinks and blues can be used as bedroom paint colors to create a serene and restful environment. This allows ENFJs to unwind and recharge in a space that feels gentle and calming.

ENTJ - Industrial and Efficient with Bold Neutrals

ENTJs are strategic and driven, preferring industrial styles with bold neutrals like black, metallics, and dark grays. They manage things in quite a straightforward manner and want everything to be their way. With its efficient and functional approach, the industrial style will suit them fine, focusing on practical rather than flashy details. 

They radiate a no-nonsense vibe—something an industrial design also portrays. Use these colors in your home office to create a powerful and efficient workspace or in your kitchen to emphasize functionality and modern design. 

FAQs on MBTI Personality Types and Color

How Do I Know My MBTI Type?

To determine your MBTI personality type, you need to take the MBTI assessment. Here are the steps to find out your type:

Take the Test: The MBTI test can be taken online or through a certified MBTI practitioner. There are several versions of the test available, including free versions and more comprehensive paid versions. Take the free test here; MBTI Personality Test

Answer Honestly: While taking the test, answer the questions as honestly as possible based on how you generally feel or behave, not how you think you should behave.

Receive Your Results: After completing the test, you will receive a four-letter code representing your MBTI type (e.g., INFJ, ESTP). Each letter corresponds to one of the preferences described above.

Read Your Profile: Once you know your type, you can read detailed descriptions of your personality profile. These descriptions provide insights into your typical behaviors, strengths, potential weaknesses, and preferences in various aspects of life, including work, relationships, and personal growth.

What MBTI Personality is Best for Interior Design?

Amongst other things, these characterizations often suggest that ENFJs would become good interior designers. Interior designers are in charge of the planning, designing, and furnishing of the interiors of a variety of different buildings, including commercial, industrial, and residential building types.

Which MBTI is Most Creative?

According to the MBTI Manual, creativity correlates most strongly with intuition (N), as well as, to a lesser extent, perceiving (P). This suggests that NPs (i.e., the INTP, INFP, ENTP, & ENFP) are, on average, the most creative of all types. 

What Color is an INFJ?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) framework refers to INFJs as the "Advocates." People often represent INFJs with shades of blue or purple. Blue links with calmness, introspection, and depth, reflecting the INFJ's thoughtful and reflective nature. Purple associates with creativity, intuition, and spirituality, resonating with the INFJ's deep insights and empathetic understanding of others.

In Summary,

The connection between your MBTI personality, color preferences, and interior design style is a powerful one. From discovering the deep blues of the INFJ to the vibrant hues of the ENFP, we've seen how each personality type is uniquely linked to specific colors and decor preferences.

By understanding how your MBTI personality aligns with specific home decor styles, you can create a living space that resonates with your unique preferences and reflects your true self. If you haven’t tried the MBTI personality test, waste no more time. 

Find out your personality type and discover the interior design style that suits you. Take the MBTI Personality Test today! (It's free, and you're sure to have loads of fun while at it!)

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